djo was founded on the commitment to support young people whose lives have been scarred by (forced) displacement and escape from their homes. This commitment is still integral to our work today. By inviting young refugees to take part in our youth work and organizational activities, we enable them to integrate into, participate in, and contribute to society.
The work that we achieve together with young refugees provides for many opportunities to participate and become part in society. Here we will present you with a small selection of the various projects and activities we and our membership associations offer.
Graffiti Workshop
Zwei Tage lang durften junge Geflüchte ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen und bei einem Graffiti Workshop die Elemente des Skateparks in Lindau gestalten.
Bei einem mehrtägigen Tipi Camp im Allgäu entfloh eine Gruppe von jungen Geflüchteten ihrem stressigen Alltag und erfuhren gemeinsam die Natur und ihren neuen Lebensraum.